Donate Silent Auction items!

For your next silent auction event, consider a carefully-wrapped collection of food items and quality alcoholic beverages. While spa days and cooking classes are charity auction classics, your next silent auction may be due for some more exciting items and themes to bring in new bidders—and higher bids. Some nonprofit charity auctions make use of charity consignment items.
National Hockey League (NHL) – Select your hockey team, click on the “Community” tab, then click on “Donations”. Your guests will receive round-trip airfare and a 3-night stay at the Hyatt, Hilton, or Marriott while invited to participate in this Cubs tradition that has been practiced since Opening Day in 1914. Did you know… more than $1 billion in gift cards each year are unused! Of the $130 billion spent in 2016, many of these are not redeemed. In fact, of those surveyed for this blog, 63% have had three or more gift cards in their possession for more than a year.
How about cutting the ribbon at the opening of a new community garden? Or breaking a bottle of champagne against a boat during its christening? If that’s the case, this might be the ideal item you’re looking for. If silent auction websites have a minor league baseball or hockey team in your area, see if they’d be willing to donate an outing with one of their local celebrity athletes.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to strengthen families and communities through affordable homeownership opportunities. A) Materials may include a sponsor’s name, logo or product lines along with the sponsor’s contact information and a link to their website (Treas. Reg Section 513-4(f)). If you have a beautiful church building, you can even have the organist playing (or set up some quiet recorded church music), light lots of candles and offer people a chance to tour the church. We kindly ask that donations be received by Monday, September 18th. Fundly is dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to raise money for whatever your cause may be. American Electric Power – American Electric Power (AEP) sponsors special programs to encourage economic growth and improved education for private and public schools.
Finally, we’ll share three auction templates to make all your auction dreams a reality. However, consumable items like food baskets, a collection of craft beer, or a few nice bottles of wine appeal to many more people. A unique consumable basket idea that isn’t food-based is a lotto ticket basket. I’ve seen donors clamor for an auction basket of scratch-off lottery tickets. These baskets offer the exciting opportunity to win back the bid price and even turn a profit if the tickets are winners. Ready-made gift baskets are great options for a convenient, high-value auction item.